These past few months have been a bit of a blurr.
Christmas was fantastic. We had some fun at the beach, racing AC racecars, rock climbing with my sister and her husband...and did some other things that I can't remember because it was too long ago.For Christmas Eve we usually
do a talent show but decided to try doing music videos this time instead. If I find ours on youtube, I will let you know. It is a worth a small gander.
Mike found out right before Christmas that he got a job with LDS Family Services in Fountain Valley. Although he was applying for the San Diego office, I think in the end this will lead to some great opportunities for him. Over Christmas break we decided to check out some rentals and realized that it was just too much money to throw at rent when we wanted to buy soon so we took the staying with the parents route for a bit.
When we got back from Christmas break it was down to a month to get our things together, pass things on in our callings and get things packed up. The month seemed to go by so quickly and so slowly at the same time.
I was able to squeeze in a temple trip with my young women a little before we left. On my last Sunday there they gave me a picture of them and a ColdStone giftcard so we all went out for ice cream too. They are a great group of girls. It is so nice to have instagram and facebook now so I can keep up with what they are doing. 

Everything went well with the move and putting most of our stuff in storage. We have been here for a week now. One of my favorite things about moving back home is the fact that so many of my friends growing up are still around here. Kate and I have been friends since 3rd grade and we have been able to get together for little playdates and things. It is so fun to see her so often now. I am finding more and more old friends live around here still too. We also love that there is so much to do. We will never get bored.
Harper has still been waking up around 5am which I am hoping will stop soon. She has taken about 7 consecutive steps, but I am still waiting for her to really take off. She seems pretty determined to beat her brother's milestones. Beckham is being a normal 2 year old. He talks A TON.He loves to sing his ABC's and sing in general. Even at church he will sing during the Hymns. He is a VERY busy boy but it keeps us all entertained.
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